If you’re thinking of hiring an exterior-painting contractor to paint the outside of your house, you should be aware of the costs involved. These contractors will ensure that the work is done correctly and with the least amount of mess. These professionals will also do repairs and sanding as required. The results of hiring professional exterior-painters will be superior to those of a DIY painter, so you can rest easy knowing that the finished product will look great.
Cost of hiring an exterior-painting contractor
The cost of hiring an exterior-painting contractor varies from state to state. In Illinois, California, and New York, hiring a painting contractor costs more than in other states. Similarly, hiring a painting contractor in Chicago, Los Angeles, or Seattle will cost more than hiring a painting contractor in any other city. In Illinois, laborĀ my company costs start at $24 per hour. In addition, the state’s high cost of living means that the average price of hiring an exterior-painting contractor will be higher than the national average.
Labor and material costs are a large portion of the total cost of hiring an exterior-painting contractor. When getting a quote, ask for as many bids as possible. While asking for several estimates can be helpful, you should also ask each contractor to explain how much of each material and labor costs are included. Also, inquire about the number of coats they’ll apply and how much extra they charge for additional coats.
Cost of painting your home’s exterior
The average cost of painting your home’s exterior can range anywhere from $500 to $2,400. This figure includes the costs of basic painting supplies like a paint roller and paint. You’ll also need specialized equipment like a ladder or laser measuring tool to reach high places. A basic 28-foot extension ladder costs about $250 and you should also consider the cost of a pressure washer. Once you’ve determined the cost of painting the exterior of your home, you can look for a professional.
The cost of painting your home’s exterior depends on the finish you want. Eggshell paint is the most common exterior paint because it offers a balance between coverage and durability. It is slightly glossier than satin paint and is less likely to chip. Nonetheless, it costs about $30 to $50 per gallon. High-gloss paint is more expensive than eggshell but provides better coverage and lasts longer. In general, eggshell paint is more expensive.
Cost of painting a house yourself
Painters typically charge between $2191 and $4,500 to paint an average-sized house. While a gallon of paint will cover 350 to 400 square feet, two coats are often required. A thousand-square-foot paint job requires six gallons of paint and three gallons of primer. Prices vary by brand and finish. However, a typical gallon of paint can cost around $60. Primer can run about $25 per gallon, making the total cost of painting a single-story house around $430.
While many homeowners prefer to save money on painting costs, there are certain factors to consider when estimating the cost of a paint job. In addition to materials and labor costs, climate can also increase the cost of painting a house. Warm, humid climates, high temperatures, and other factors can make painting a home more difficult and extend the amount of time it takes to complete. For this reason, the best time to paint a house is when temperatures are at least 50 degrees, such as in the spring or fall. Generally, a satin finish is the best choice for exterior painting.