When setting up your IP address for logging, you can use either an interface or a hostname as the source IP address. The length of the session will determine the length of the IP address association. A longer session means more IP address associations. Using an interface for logging is recommended, as it saves on storage space.
Configuring a logging host
One of the key aspects of system administration and security is monitoring system logs. However, monitoring log files from multiple hosts can become cumbersome, especially on large networks. This is where remote logging can help. Configuring remote logging can make monitoring log files more convenient. For this purpose, you will need to 192.168.l.l set up forward and reverse DNS on your system.
When configuring logs from your device, be sure to choose the right level of configuration. Logs that are not informational will not appear on the console. However, if you need to diagnose a problem, you will want to have historical logs.
Setting the source IP address
IIS 8 has a feature called source IP logging. In order to log information about web requests, the server must pass the client’s IP in the HTTP header. To enable source IP logging, open the IIS manager. Click on the Logging tab. Double-click Select Fields and select the appropriate values. Then click OK.
When setting the source IP address, use the appropriate administrative policy. The source IP address must be in the same subnet as the interface. For example, if the interface belongs to VLAN 22, then the source IP address should be
Configuring the interface as the source IP address
If you want to use an IP address to log traffic, you need to configure the interface as the source IP address. This will allow you to use the same IP address for all traffic sent through the switch. Source IP addresses can be configured on ports, VLANs, and LAGs. You can add, edit, and delete source interface configurations in Aruba Central.
To enable source IP address selection, execute show ip source-interface status. The command displays operational, administrative, and default source-IP-assignment policies for each IP interface. It also lists the configuration state for each IP interface.
Configuring a hostname as the source IP address
Configuring a hostname as the source address for logging can be tricky if you’ve never done it before. In order to get this right, you need to know what to type in the “hostname” field. It should be something unique to the device, or at least a name that you can remember. Once configured, your device will appear as a hostname in the command prompt, accounting information, and telnet sessions. If your device doesn’t have a DNS entry, you can use a static mapping instead. You can see an example of this in Step 4 of the following procedure.
If you don’t want to change the source IP address, you can also configure the logging format. Typically, the origin identifier is a hostname, but you can also specify an IP address if you’d like. However, the hostname format is the most flexible. It can be used as a hostname that’s located on a network that connects to the Internet.
Using syslog as a logging format
Using Syslog as a logging format for an IP address can be helpful in many situations. It is a common protocol, and is supported by most *nix systems. Windows-based servers don’t natively support it, but third-party tools are available for these systems to communicate with a Syslog server. The term’syslog’ refers to the protocol, message format, and server process. The protocol has become a widely used standard in many areas, and is supported by many commercial and open source libraries.
You can configure a single syslog server or multiple. You can also specify the severity of messages for each log server. You can also configure the number of syslog servers that are remote. These servers can be accessed through a management network or BIG-IP system. You can configure a syslog server to receive messages in clear text, or you can use an encrypted protocol.